In Between Buildings - Cities for Young People


Today, our organisation launched its latest campaign, “In Between Buildings – Cities for Young People” with the aim of creating a platform for dialogue between young people, decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders so that together they find innovative solutions to the new challenges that many young people under 18 years of age find during their leisure time, especially during the weekends.

The core of this initiative is a questionnaire in which young people aged between 13 and 17 years have the opportunity to suggest alternative and innovative leisure time activities and facilities where they could spend your free time. The project will assess the magnitude of innovative facilities for young people and address any eventual lacunas, explore alternative facilities that will meet the need of young people, re-think the entertainment facilities currently available for young people, utilise culture, street sports and creativity as tools to develop social cohesion and economic growth in sustainable ways, and push the boundaries of street sports and culture beyond traditional models, drawing them closer to a new culture of entertainment for the younger and up-and-coming generations.

As a result, this project shall spearhead new forms of entertainment specifically designed by and targeting young people.

In Between Buildings – Cities for Young People is a national structured dialogue implemented by MOVE in collaboration with the Valletta 2018 Foundation and supported by the European Union through Erasmus+ funding, EUPA and the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector.

Those youngsters aged 13 to 17 years who would like to make their voice heard are invited to fill in the online questionnaire.

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